Employment Hotline

Members, Get Your Legal Questions Answered

Employment Hotline

Call 1-800-383-5952

You will be connected to Steven J. Fishman's law office at Bodman, PLC in Troy, Michigan.

This is a service for Northwest Michigan Industrial Association members to assist with employment-realated issues and questions.

Steven has been a presenter at our events.

Topics you can discuss with the hotline

  1. Wage/hour, overtime, and payroll issues
  2. Creation and administration of employment policies, handbooks, and fringe benefits
  3. Application of ADA, FMLA, and Workers' Compensation laws
  4. Layoffs, closings, and unemployment
  5. Various concerns about discipline and termination
  6. Pre-employment screening, interviewing, and hiring
  7. Privacy, surveillance, right to review personnel file
  8. Drugs, alcohol, and substance abuse testing
  9. Discrimination and harrassment
  10. Union organizing, labor contract negotiation and administration
  11. Application of COBRA, HIPAA, and ERISA